disclaimer: isi tulisan ini BENAR per 22 Mei 2017, tidak menutup kemungkinan terjadi perubahan setelahnya. harap diingat tiap kota, tiap kantor imigrasi dan tiap petugas imigrasi memiliki peraturan dan pertimbangan masing-masing sehingga ada kemungkinan pemohon paspor mengalami hal yang berbeda. Pastikan untuk selalu cross check ke pihak terkait supaya ga repot bolak-balik. web imigrasi Paspor adalah hal wajib untuk bepergian keluar negeri. Tanpa paspor (dan visa tentunya) maka jangan harap bisa bertemu oppa di Korea. Ada dua tipe paspor yang tersedia yaitu paspor biasa (355rb) dan e-paspor (655rb). E-paspor sementara ini hanya tersedia di Jakarta, Surabaya, dan Batam: Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Khusus Jakarta Selatan Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Khusus Jakarta Barat Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Khusus Bandara Soekarno-Hatta Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Jakarta Pusat Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Jakarta Utara Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Tanjung Priok Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Khusus Surabaya Kanto...
Note: based on the info circulating online, the restaurant has transferred ownership by 29 August 2017 because Yoongi's family moved to Seoul. The restaurant's twitter has also been taken down. The restaurant is owned by Yoongi's family in his hometown. It is not located in Seoul, it is in Daegu and it takes approx. 105 minutes by KTX to get to Daegu from Seoul. The restaurant itself is a branch of chain restaurant (hence it says since 1937). click on the picture to enlarge. How to get there: Take KTX Seoul station to Dongdaegu station. Ticket is approx. 47000 won/one way/per person (other ktx ticket option: korail pass ), check KTX timetable here . KTX from Incheon Airport is available but the departing time available is limited compared to Seoul Station which has a train departing every 30-60 minutes. Please note that KTX procedure is a bit different than train experience I have in another country. The platform is not gated and it might be pretty confu...